It's covering some of the people who are eligible. Some of them are not taking advantage of it because they just don't have the information. It's another one of our issues that we really see when we talk to people about LMDAs; they don't know that the money's there. They don't know it exists. Employers don't know about it. Employees don't know about it.
One of our recommendations in another presentation was also to have better information out there for people so that they are aware of these programs. Certainly, I'm hearing that around the country as I go on these consultations.
I think if you look in the MAR, the monitoring and assessment report, there's a lot of information in there and it tells you how the moneys are spent. It gives some more details provincially and territorially on the LMDAs. I believe that not all of the money is spent. It differs from region to region, from province to province, so while they may have run out in British Columbia, it doesn't mean they've run out in another province.