It is very difficult.
If you're living in Nova Scotia and you're training for something, you don't necessarily have that solid, hard, accurate information on what is available in other areas or even what is available within your own province. We really need to have that really strong information.
The labour stakeholders feel that Stats Canada is one very important respected entity and that the information that comes from Stats Canada is very good; it's reliable. We would like to see more detail come out so that we know what's happening in Nova Scotia in the job market, so that we know where the vacancies are and what types of workers they need, and so that we know in Saskatchewan what they need. That is exactly what we need to know so that when young men and women are going into these trades for this training and they're looking for jobs, they can have a really good pan-Canadian view of what's going on and make decisions there.
I think there's a danger in forcing people to pick up their bags, their families, their homes, and everything else and just plopping them into a community where they think there may be jobs. Before making such an important life decision, which affects their families as well as themselves, I think people must have really clear and accurate information across the country so that they can make the best decision for them, as well as for their economic status and the country.