Thank you very much.
I have a couple of things. The survey was conducted in 2011. So, even if it is released it will only show the situation in 2011. It's not a continuing survey. The design of the survey, actually, is very good in terms of the kind of data that we need to assess the labour market demand in Canada. It's based on a survey of 25,000 businesses in Canada, very detailed questions for a very detailed level of occupations. However, when the survey was conducted and finished, the funding was cut at that time, and nothing was done with the data that existed, the raw data.
There are a number of steps before Statistics Canada can actually release that survey and make it available to the users. I talked to the director of labour statistics at Statistics Canada and I was told that they have a commitment from ESDC to continue the funding so they can validate, analyze, and make the survey ready for the users. But they are in discussion with ESDC to make that commitment firm and to get the actual funding. But that's just the first step. As she told me, there are a number of different things they need to do, even if the funding is there. First of all, are the people who they need there to actually do the analysis, to make the data ready? Then there are a number of other steps, so she could not give me any timeframe for that.