I can tell you approximately what we've spent to date, if that's helpful information to have. So far, we've spent approximately $42,000. That is really to address some of the immediate pieces that needed to be done, such as some building signage and some signage on vehicles, as well as things that are more public facing, including booths, kiosks, and backdrops, the things where you want the public to see what the department's name is.
In terms of going forward, I don't have figures that can speak to what's going forward, because basically, from here on in, updates are going to be made. As a sign needs to be replaced, the new name will go on it. As an office has an update, the update happens then. So the bulk of the costs is out there now. One of the really great things is that Service Canada remains “Service Canada”, so none of those signs ever need to be changed.