The funeral directors' association was here a couple of days ago. They indicated to this committee that they would be very willing to work with Service Canada and with the Government of Canada on the implementation of this.
They indicated that they use their own death certificate, which in many ways is similar to the ones the various provinces are using. As we're all aware, the provinces register births and deaths in Canada; we rely on the provinces to work with us. Some provinces, it appears, are much more efficient, let's say, in the reporting than others.
It was in their presentation that they indicated it could take as long as 48 days, in some cases, before a death certificate is issued by a provincial government. It seems to me that's quite a long period of time, although there may be special circumstances in that regard.
Are you folks comfortable enough and confident, from your perspective, that if Service Canada were to agree to use—and I believe in some circumstances it already does—a funeral director's death certificate as the official notice of death to get this new process of one-stop reporting to Service Canada going, it would satisfy your concerns? Or do you think the process should be the registration of the official, provincial death certificate that is used?
I see the funeral directors as speeding the process up, which I think is in the best interest of everybody. It is a legal document that, it appears, has status. I'm curious to know about your positions on that.
This is to each of you.