I haven't had to, personally. As I mentioned I'm a professional financial planner so I feel very comfortable in helping clients or family members dealing with a lot of that. Of course when it's a personal death in the family it's another matter. It can be overwhelming, but knowing what I know, with the frustration I still felt, I certainly feel for people who have no idea where to start. I know that the funeral homes do offer an awful lot of assistance, especially with their after-care programs that many of them have taken on.
I do want to mention, while I have the opportunity, that it's not just families who have to be involved in these processes. It can be out of town, or out of the country, family members. It can be trustees and lawyers, and other well-meaning neighbours and friends. It's not always overlaid with the grief, but it's certainly overlaid with the frustration. Like I said, while I haven't fortunately had the frustration that some people certainly have, I know that within my working environment and with the CARP environment too.