Minister, I really appreciate that you're able to be with us this morning. My only regret is that it's for only an hour, but I understand you had something previously scheduled for the second hour.
I have a series of questions for you. Most of them pertain to Service Canada. I realize that you're not going to have these answers at the tip of your tongue, though I'll be pleasantly surprised if you do. I'll just read out the questions. If you don't have the answers, I would look forward to having them tabled at the committee as soon as possible.
What was the funding for Service Canada? How much of those funds came from the EI operating account and how much came from general revenues? What is the funding for EI processing at Service Canada? How much of those funds came from the EI operating account and how much came from general revenues? How many full-time employees were working at Service Canada? How many were assigned to processing EI claims?
As I said, these are for very specific numbers. If you don't have them on you, then I'm hoping that you'll be able to table them as soon as possible. I'm looking for them from the year 2006 to the present, year by year.