Essentially, when there is a refusal to work process, currently an employee would refuse to work and an employer would be required to undertake an investigation to look at the situation to try to resolve it. If there is no agreement and the employee continues to refuse to work, what we're proposing now is that the workplace health and safety committee would undertake an investigation to also look at the circumstances of the refusal to work, and together with those two reports would try to resolve the situation in the workplace.
If it is not resolved and the employee has a right to continue to refuse to work, the labour program would be called in to investigate the situation and to assist in resolving the situation.
At the outcome—the decision made by our officers with regard to the refusal to work, as to whether there's a situation of danger or no danger—that decision can be appealed by the employer or by the employee, and ultimately the appeal can also be taken to Federal Court, if there continues to be a disagreement with the outcome of that decision.