Thank you very much. It's a pleasure to be here this afternoon.
We distributed a PowerPoint presentation to you in both official languages. What I propose to do is to take you through it at a high level. I won't go through every slide. Then we can cover off some more topics in the question and answer period.
I'd like to start on slide 2 and provide you with a definition of social finance. This is particularly appropriate as you embark upon your study. Simply put, social finance is using money in ways that generate both social and financial returns. It's an approach that mobilizes multiple sources of capital to deliver a positive, measurable social outcome and an economic dividend.
Social finance provides opportunities to leverage additional investments and increase available dollars to develop, deliver, and scale up proven approaches that seek to address social and economic challenges in our communities. It includes new approaches to investing. It's often known as “impact investment”, so if you hear the term “social impact investment”, it is quite interchangeable with “social finance”. Impact investing has been described as actively placing capital in businesses and funds that generate social and/or environmental good, and at least a nominal principle to the investor.
Let me turn now to slide 3 and look at the question: why social finance? Why are countries like Canada, the U.K., the U.S., Australia, and others embarking upon social finance? In Canada the momentum to explore social finance came largely from the non-profit sector, and it was aided by the launch of the non-governmental Canadian Task Force on Social Finance, which published a report in 2010 and a subsequent follow-up report in 2011.
Despite Canada's strong safety net and community-specific programs, some groups continue to face complex social and economic challenges. Governments, community organizations, and private sector investors have come to recognize that they can't tackle these challenges alone. There is a desire to find new ways to do so through partnerships that address social challenges and that have proven resistant to traditional forms of social intervention.
A mature social finance marketplace—and we're seeing that develop in the U.K. and the U.S.—would unlock new sources of capital for community organizations. These are primarily from private foundations, and we have large ones in Canada and other sources. They provide a new avenue for socially conscious investing by the private sector—I also include foundations in the private sector—and realized savings for governments by efficiently allocating resources to complex social challenges.
In addition, social finance also requires rigorous use of metrics and evaluation to determine if expected outcomes have been met, thereby ensuring effective use of resources and accountability for the use of public funds.
Turning to slide 4, one thing to note about the marketplace for social finance or social impact investment is that it's a marketplace like any other marketplace. It will seem familiar to you if we can lay it out in those terms. In practice, the way markets work varies from country to country and sometimes, as we know in Canada, from region to region. Some players will have more than one role, or they are active in more than one side of the market.
As with other capital markets, the social finance marketplace is made up of three broad components. There is the supply side that provides the capital. There are a number of players that are active in this area, including foundations, financial institutions, and private investors, to name a few. There is the demand side that comes from a range of both non-profit and for-profit organizations that includes charities, non-profit organizations, social enterprises, cooperatives, and social purpose businesses. In the middle there are intermediaries, those agents that try to bring together the two sides of the market: supply and demand. These intermediaries work to facilitate deals by providing expertise for the development of the supply and demand side, and to enable the efficient growth of the overall market.
Some examples of intermediaries are presented in the PowerPoint presentation. Down at the bottom, I'd like to note that, as in any other market, you need to have a tax and regulatory environment—the role of government in shaping the overall market.
The size of the market in Canada is currently estimated to be approximately $2.2 billion. Some projections that were done by the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing suggest that it could grow to the range of $30 billion in approximately 10 years, if all parts of the market move forward together in an optimal situation.
Let us move to slide 5.
Here are some examples of organizations that supply capital for social finance. They are generally large investors, banks or other financial institutions and foundations.
Some of those organizations are looking to help grow the supply side for social finance in general or are using social finance investments in a specific social mission, such as aboriginal community development.
Slide 6 shows some examples of intermediaries that are fairly active on the Canadian scene. As noted before, these try to bring together the two sides of the market, but because the market is pretty small in Canada, as I noted earlier, some players play on all sides of the market right now. You find that some organizations, such as MaRS or Trico, are intermediaries, but Trico is a good example of one that also provides grants through a foundation.
Page 7 provides a few examples of organizations that need social funding to develop and expand innovative interventions or use social finance mechanisms to further their social mission. These are generally non-profit social enterprises or charity organizations.
Here we have examples of organizations operating on the demand side.
I'd like to turn now to slide 8 to take that image of the market with supply, demand, and the intermediaries and then just highlight for you some of the actions that are being taken by governments across the country. We have broken it down into two general areas of activity: rules and regulations—if you recall, I talked about that foundational piece that governments can provide by creating an enabling environment—and direct investment.
To highlight some areas of activity on the supply side, the Government of Saskatchewan is considering crowdfunding legislation. Crowdfunding is something that is quite common not only in Canada but in other countries. Saskatchewan is looking at whether the government has a role to play in regulating that kind of activity. We know that this can be a source of incredible funding, and it can be done very quickly to achieve different social missions.
As well, looking at the next column, “Directing Capital”, the Government of Nova Scotia has been looking at introducing an equity tax credit. On the demand side, the Government of British Columbia has introduced a community contribution company in the form of legislation. Recognizing that some of our traditional categories of corporations don't permit us to move forward in this area, it has tried to find a way in between traditional business and traditional charities.
Looking at direct investment, we already have a number of vehicles that supply social finance. A strong, well-established example in the province of Quebec is the Fiducie du Chantier de l’économie sociale; it is a big player. Also, to speak about my own department, we have been involved in a micro-loan project to look at helping recent immigrants achieve foreign credential recognition so that they can engage in their professional activity in Canada and be part of the labour market.
As well, for directing capital, I go back to the Province of Saskatchewan. They are noteworthy because they launched the first social impact bond in Canada. It's on a small scale, approximately $1 million, but it started that part of the market.
Finally, looking at capacity building, I will just note that in Canada there is a rich tapestry, I would say, of organizations at the local level that are already engaged in social purpose activities and mission-based activities. We name a few there.
Turning to slide 9, I said earlier that the market is starting to grow in Canada. It is nascent, but one important point to note as it moves forward is that it is not designed to replace government funding at all. It is very much complementary to government funding; it is additional to government funding. One of the purposes I noted earlier is to be able to leverage different sources of funding to address complex social challenges.
There's an assumption that by bringing new ideas and new sources of funding to the table, governments with their partners would be better placed to address complex social and economic challenges, but as they do so, some issues in the market would need to be looked at again. As with any other market, when you're trying to grow a venture capital market or another kind of market, you sometimes need to have various interventions, whether on the supply or the demand side, to grow it. We know that from other countries as well.
I will conclude concerning this slide by noting that social finance isn't necessarily suitable for every social issue or for every target population. As countries embark on this, they are looking to their vulnerable populations on various issues and to their partners in those spaces, asking whether an area is an appropriate one in which to consider social finance. The one advantage of social finance is that it allows you to take a more preventative approach, because it is something that needs to take place over the long term, and often with short-term funding you can't address things using a preventative approach.
Turning to slide 10, I've mentioned a few times that other countries are engaged in social finance. The leader among countries currently engaged is definitely the United Kingdom. They have taken a very active role in pioneering social finance domestically, but they didn't stop there. In 2013 they decided to use their presidency of the G-8, as it was at the time, to launch an international social impact investment task force made up of G-7 member states. I had the privilege of sitting on it as the Government of Canada representative, along with Tim Jackson from the MaRS Centre for Impact Investing.
We spent a year going around most G-7 countries and speaking with all the players in the market. Then we produced a report, which was published in September 2014. Actually, there is a series of reports. Canada as well published its own domestic report, as did other G-7 countries. All of those are available on a website.
So the U.K. is the leader, with the U.S. not far behind in doing different kinds of pay-for-performance schemes, as well as social impact bonds. Australia has launched social impact bonds. Other countries are looking at their legal and regulatory environments and asking whether there are some things they can do to finance the flow of different forms of capital into the market.
Let me conclude by recapping that this is a phenomenon that has emerged internationally. I would say it's another tool in the tool kit that governments can use to look at addressing social and economic challenges. But it's important that you take a partnership principle, because it's not governments acting alone: you have to engage with different sectors of society to be able to leverage innovation and new sources of capital. The federal government has started looking at the potential for social finance, but so have some provinces, Saskatchewan, B.C., Ontario, and Nova Scotia in particular. As we in the federal government look at various opportunities to move forward, we'll be taking our cue from what happens internationally and from the lessons learned from other countries.
Thank you.