That's entirely possible. I'm at the wishes of the committee members. Certainly you can provide our witnesses with written questions and we can receive responses from them. I don't think there will be any objection to that, which is fine.
Might I just make a couple of comments and get your response to them. I think the difficult conceptual operation of social finance will become clearer as we hear from actual case studies and witnesses . Even I'm struggling a little bit with return on investment. Capital put into a business, I know what that means. I operated my own company for 25 years. I know what it means to seek capital, make money, give back to the bank or whoever was charging me interest on the working capital.
I think as we go on, committee members, what will happen is there will be more understanding of that in the social context of what's trying to be achieved.
That said, I would like to suggest to committee members that at a later point we may want to have Ms. Harty and Mr. McMurren back to committee for a more fulsome, perhaps conceptual look at this and to explore what's really working well in the other jurisdictions that have succeeded at this.
We held a social finance round table in my community over the past summer. It was well attended. Over 40 individuals attended. There was an eagerness, an excitement and a measurable energy in the room about the possibilities for various organizations, so I think it does hold a lot of promise in the social sphere.
Thank you for being here today.