The vehicle would have been the contract, which would have set out the terms among all the parties. If the outcome is achieved, then RBC would get back its capital, as I said, with the rate of return.
How do you know whether that outcome has been achieved? What we see in other social impact bonds is that there is a role for a third party evaluator to go in and do some measurement of it. We do evaluations right now, but we often don't do them for outcomes. In these cases, it's important to have an independent third party assess whether the outcome has been achieved. But along the way, there has to be data collection as well. As I said in the presentation, this is a very data rich environment. It's one that seeks to develop appropriate measures to see whether an intervention has met its target for outcomes, and it seeks a way to be able to evaluate whether that's the case. The advantage is that if you achieve the outcomes, but also if you don't, you have an evidence base that will allow you to determine whether to go forward with another similar project.