Thanks, Mr. Chairman.
In some ways your social financing 101 will benefit from me repeating again in a different way what Tim and Sarah and then Stanley took on. We're of like mind.
If I were to prevail upon the committee, I would say first—and maybe first and only—write your report, please, and table it collectively, unanimously. If this isn't ground that can withstand the vagaries of partisanship, it sure ought to be. This is fruitful terrain for parliamentarians to do their work together. If you could do that, it would provide a signal to those of us who are doing the work in social finance. It would provide a signal to those in the corporate sector and those in which patient social capital is currently on the sidelines. It would, of course, trigger other policy levers that are in the realm of the Minister of Finance and at Revenue and at ESDC and elsewhere. I know you take this work seriously, and it's valuable for us that you're doing it. I could maybe even stop there and say take the good advice of Siobhan Coady and the experts in the public sector who really know this stuff. We've seen them learn and engage with colleagues around the world, and that makes a heck of a lot of difference.
That's one outlook. The second outlook comes more from the work we do. We're community folks, right? Canada is unlike any other place in the world. We've gone about assembling 191 community foundations. They're in Nanaimo. They're in the north of Alberta. They're in the Okanagan. A community fund just opened up in Cape Breton, part of the Community Foundation of Nova Scotia. If you go around the room, almost 90% of Canada's communities now have access to a foundation.
They've been assembled because Canadians have had the desire to create them for one another. They have come about and benefited from really good policy work that makes it simple to give. You can give to a community foundation, as our family does and no doubt many in the room do, and you know the rules. You know the terrain you're playing in: you give a gift, and you receive the benefit of that tax receipt. That benefits you, but you benefit the community, and that's a healthy trade-off in a country like Canada.
All of that giving that then aggregates in a community foundation adds up. It's been adding up for almost a hundred years. All that giving is placed into endowments. Those endowments are invested. Right about now there's about $4.3 billion invested because Canadians have aggregated all those gifts over all those years, which means something like $200 million in grants are handed out, are dispersed, for everything you could think of that's of a charitable nature in our communities. That's happening right now.
All those rules are clear. We know what giving looks like. We know what grants look like. We know what a charitable purpose is. It all works for us. So we can easily, in Glace Bay, give a gift to Harvest House or to the food bank, and we know how that works. We can easily show up in Victoria, and the Victoria foundation can go about providing a contribution to that physical activity initiative that helps young kids get active, and they can gain the health benefits of that. We can support education initiatives in Winnipeg by giving a grant. That's super.
The part that Tim, Sarah, and Stanley have done such a great job on is pointing out that, when it comes to investing around those same purposes—which we all want to do across the 191 community foundations, with that $4.3 billion in capital that we want to invest in our communities—that is really hard. It's really easy to invest in the markets, right? It's crazy for us. Here we are. We're community people. We've assembled our capital. We want to put it to good use. We'd love to make a loan to the women's shelter or to a fund that's all about funding women's shelters, and it's really difficult to pull that off. We should change that. It's just as simple as that.
Do the things you need to do to change that.
Because we have something in the hundreds of millions of dollars on the sidelines, and in the billions of dollars across the whole foundation sector on the sidelines not doing that right now.
If we can change the environment, the policy environment and the regulatory environment, in the way that you just heard about, it will happen.
We could, for example, do really practical things. We could take part of one of our funds and enter it in a fund as a limited partnership—if we were allowed to—that could go about creating jobs for young people who are outside of the marketplace, where, as Stanley pointed out, the market failure is not helping them become employed. We could do that, but we can't do that because the rules haven't caught up with what Canadians want to do to strengthen their communities.
Please help us change that.
We could also make investments in what's technically called a PRI, a program-related investment, which is simply like saying, “Let's make an investment for which we won't worry about the full rate of return”. We don't need to get the same rate that we might get if we put it out into the traditional marketplace. Why? Because some things are different. How about social housing in the north? There are a whole lot of foundations that would rather make an investment there and just get their capital back, or maybe not even a return, or something just below market. Sarah knows this stuff top to bottom, so she'll tell you it's really difficult to do that. The PRI environment is murky. We've tried to get clarity. It's not there yet.
So engage folks like Stanley to write it up in a way that's clear. Figure out how to clarify that market, and we will be active in the social housing environment if you can do that. That's just one example.
There's another thing we're trying to do.
If you can, imagine this new market opening up, and in all sorts of communities across Canada there are community foundations. Let's say we meet our goal of having 10% of our capital available for community investment. We're talking about $450 million of patient capital. You're talking about a group of organizations, the foundations, like our leader, the Edmonton Community Foundation, that intimately know charities. For decades they've been giving grants to the charities. They know how they work. They know the good ones. They know the ones that achieve impact. They know the ones that are well governed. They know them. They're strategically positioned to be great investors, as the rest of us would be given the chance to invest in a small enterprise or as Tim used to do in his work on the venture side. It's like we're the social venture philanthropist trying to find useful ways to back a YMCA that's trying to expand its early learning services and that needs a loan. It's not going to get one in a traditional form, but it might very well get one from us, because we've worked with that Y for decades. Delivering on that is very difficult.
The second part that's difficult is that for the YMCAs, for the women's shelters, for the rivershed conservation groups, for the recreation organizations, or for the cultural sector organizations, there's a capacity-building job to do. There's a skilling up, a training up of those organizations so that they're ready to come forward with their business plans. That's fundamentally no different from the kind of thing that goes on all the time right now with small and medium-sized enterprises. There are extensive programs across governments, and as public-private efforts to skill up those small and medium-sized enterprises. Right now charities, public-purpose non-profits, don't have access to those programs. If they did, you'd see that women's shelter figuring out a great business plan so that it could offer those extra rooms and alleviate the challenges facing a family.
So there's my impassioned plea. On the ground in your communities right now, there's capital on the sidelines that wants to be put to public purpose, not to replace what governments would do, not to replace grant-making—for some things the grant is the right approach—but to add to our tool kit to make a difference in the communities.
Everything you can do to free up that landscape so we can do that will be greatly appreciated.
You've arrived with the right study at the right time to make that difference. Thank you.