I'm not familiar with the intricacies of the program you're talking about. Let me tell you about something we're doing. We're collaborating with MaRS, Deloitte, with a private foundation with roots in Vancouver, and with community foundations across Ontario to do exactly that. It's a youth catalyst fund. The whole purpose is to support social enterprise projects that focus on young people facing barriers to employment. There will be at least 12 communities in which we're engaged. Without giving the intricacies of the expertise to actually assemble it, one of the key things that has happened is the provincial government has come in to de-risk those early-stage investors. There is a role for government to play in partnership with, running alongside with, around something that is particularly challenging right now, youth unemployment.
There's a practical example of something that is under way right now, not at scale, but still in a mode where if we were to do this in more places across the country you could see social enterprises benefiting from the potential of this kind of strategy.