It's a good question. The best answer comes from Quebec and the work of Nancy Neamtan in Chantier de l'économie sociale there. In Quebec there's been an understanding of the diverse forms that are required for a community to realize its purpose. Nancy would be another perfect person to arrive here in front of the committee to help understand what's been undertaken in that province. There's a long history of understanding between the state and community actors in that province.
Here is another thing. As an example, in Selkirk, Manitoba, there is a women's shelter whose challenge is not its operating capacity. It is very autonomous. It's governed independently by the community board. It has all of the skills to effectively govern and operate, but it's just run out of room. So like a family that's got to put on an addition to put some more rooms in, it needs capital in order to be more available to the community. When it turns to acquire a loan, it can't acquire the loan. It could from the Selkirk & District Community Foundation if that vehicle were more available to them through the PRI vehicle, or what have you. It would require the Selkirk & District Community Foundation to do all sorts of gymnastics and get access to the expert services of folks at Norton Rose Fulbright and such to figure out how they could do this. That would be to do what? It would be to provide more spaces for families at the most difficult point in time to access the services of that organization. The organization again is completely autonomous, independent, and more than capable of handling this. The people around that board are drawn from all sorts of backgrounds: public sector, private sector, community sector, academics.
So given the option of the tools that Sarah described so well, it could have a much bigger impact in its community.