Thank you very much, Mr. Chair.
Just let me say how much I appreciate the opportunity to speak today. We really value this opportunity to work together with partners in government, the private sector, and the community sector to improve the lives of Canadians in our communities.
I'm the president and CEO of the J.W. McConnell Family Foundation, which was founded in Montreal in 1935, making it only the second private foundation to be established in this country. Today we're one of the three largest such foundations in Canada by asset size. Our mission is to engage Canadians in creating a society that is innovative, inclusive, sustainable, and resilient. If setting aside a substantial portion of one's fortune for philanthropic purposes was a new idea in 1935, it has certainly taken hold in this country. We've got about 10,000 private and public foundations in Canada now that manage assets of about $55 billion. And according to the regulatory requirements around those funds, about $2 billion to $3 billion is invested and disbursed each year to community purposes.
We would argue that if we're serious about addressing problems like those that the previous speaker, Mr. Dewar, highlighted—such as mounting and unsustainable health care costs, high and chronic youth unemployment, the viability of communities that are dependent on a resource base that's declining or whose manufacturing sector is going south—it's time to unlock more of those resources and those endowment assets and put them at the service of community and national priorities. I think that's what we're here to talk about.
Our foundation made it's first impact investment in 2007. This is a fairly new field in Canada. In line with our philanthropic goal to improve undergraduate education, we made a $10-million loan to a group that was going to create a university with a new model for undergraduate education, a cohort model. So today, Quest University, as it's now known, is the highest ranked undergraduate school in the country. Incidentally, our loan was paid back with interest in 2009, which made it the highest performing asset in our entire $600-million endowment that year. It was a very difficult financial year, as you recall. I mention this just because it's an important point that, when we talk about impact investments and social finance by foundations, we often assume that there is a less than market return involved; but because these investments are correlated to community needs and often supported by real people in our communities, they are not correlated with market performances and can often, particularly in downturns, exceed them.
So when we're talking to the trustees of foundations—and we're talking about fiduciary duty here—we have to be clear that it's important, yes, to consider social and economic outcomes as well as financial returns on investments; but we can also say that, while it's acceptable to take a lower than market financial return, it's not always necessary to do so.
As an early entrant into the social finance field, we can point to a couple other keystone initiatives in which we have participated, including the establishment of the Canadian Task Force on Social Finance whose report in 2010 laid out an agenda for the country that I think you and we are now following.
It was Minister Flaherty who distributed that report to the other provincial finance ministers, recommending that they take a look at it. Indeed, across Canada today we see considerable progress at the provincial level in implementing things like community interest corporations in British Columbia, a social enterprise purchasing portal, as is being done here in Quebec, and other initiatives. So I think we're on the way, but I think if we look around the world now, the growth of this sector is outpacing the growth of the sector in Canada.
I was looking at statistics the other day showing that between 2012 and the end of 2014 the global value of impact investments increased to $23 billion. In Canada they've increased from $2 billion to $5 billion over that period. We're being outstripped by the progress being made in the U.K., the United States, Australia, and other countries. We think it's important to catch up.
Today our impact portfolio consists of about $25 million that's invested in a range of funds and companies' initiatives. But due to a lack of available product in Canada, about half of that amount is actually invested outside the country.
That we're having this conversation at all in Canada and around the world is due in part to the fact that the public, and especially those people who volunteer and donate, are concerned that charities do more than address the symptoms of systemic problems, and that they actually get to the root causes and focus on outcomes. I think that's really the shift we're experiencing in the philanthropic and community sector, and to which, I think in partnership with governments and the private sector, we're now being encouraged to make some very significant changes.
As grantors, we provide funding for social R and D. We take on the early-stage risk in seeking better social outcomes, and create the conditions for further investments in community infrastructure and social programs using such things as patient capital investments, loan guarantees, and outcomes-based finance mechanisms like social impact bonds and others around health, justice, education, disability, and community economic development.
I would like to explore three areas in which I think there's considerable opportunity for us in Canada to increase our activity in partnership with governments and the private sector to produce better social outcomes.
Let's begin with investment in communities and integrating social, environmental, and economic goals. I'll give you three examples.
In Toronto, we're currently participating with Evergreen CityWorks. We made a grant to develop a business plan for something called tower renewal, which is basically a model of doing environmental retrofits of older residential towers in the north end of the city in such a way that the energy savings pay for the initial cost of that energy retrofit. But we're also talking about a social retrofit. There's research showing that people living in these towers are often lonely, and there are high levels of crime, mistrust of neighbours, and so on. In partnership with the city, we're looking at rezoning the land between those towers to create new low-rise developments, and to introduce other social innovations that will create out of those towers a more viable and vibrant local community.
The next one I'm going to mention is Winnipeg. We're working in partnership with the Winnipeg Poverty Reduction Council, a local business group; the United Way Winnipeg; The Winnipeg Foundation; and the provincial government to change social outcomes in the north end of the city. This is a very challenged urban neighbourhood with a high percentage of aboriginal residents, and some social statistics that are frankly just unacceptable in a country like Canada. There, almost 25% of children are placed into foster care before they are five years old.
We recognize that this is a generational-scale commitment we're making, and one in which the ability to prototype new solutions with the community and with our community partners is one we can support through granting, but also that eventually much larger investments are going to be needed to transform that system. One of the places we're looking for capital to do that is the Canada Learning Bond, $1.2 billion of which is currently unutilized and is actually designed to support low-income families by securing entry into post-secondary education for their children. We know there's research showing that for children as young as four years old, just knowing that funding is in place for their future has a measurable and positive impact on school attendance, on a lack of participation in vandalism and criminal activity, and so on. A tremendous boost is given to a young kid who knows there's something set aside for their future.
Why aren't we using those funds? Why don't we have a mechanism to transfer them into a community like Point Douglas? That's the challenge we face, and, frankly, with that kind of capital coming into the community, we also ought to be able to think about developing social enterprises to give young people employment opportunities rather than having them be unemployed or dropping out of school.
That notion of looking at our assets and reprofiling them in line with their original intent, I think, goes to the heart of some of the best thinking about social finance these days. This is not about creating new money. It's about using our existing funds and assets to greater and better purpose.
The next case I would like to cite is one here in Montreal, where we're currently in conversations with the city, philanthropic partners, the community sector, the high-tech sector, universities, and others about a community transformation we can see for Montreal's immediate future. Again, that requires everyone to come to the table—unions, business owners, and the financial sector. It's together that we can actually accomplish very significant and different outcomes.
My second area to emphasize is the aboriginal one. As Mr. Dewar said, it is one of our greatest social challenges. And it is, I would say, one of our greatest opportunities to make a difference.
I'll give you an example of something that we're currently involved in from an impact investing perspective. We entered into a partnership with the Huron of Wendake, Quebec, to strengthen and replicate their model for owned housing on reserves. The Huron have a different model. They created a mortgage fund for themselves with the federal funds that come into the community. They held a referendum and they no longer control those funds at the band council level, they have an independent governance system and a business model that makes mortgages to community members, of which they've done over 400 with a less than 2% default rate. All are linked, by the way, at 7.5% and are strong enough to attract outside investment. They are interested in sharing that model—