—there's a result called CSA, Canadian Standards Association. When we are building things, when we are doing things, there are always standards to be followed. You have to follow the CSA standards before you can do this or that. Right now, what Canada has is really a lack of measurement. Organizations can say that this is the way they measure their impact. But the key thing is whether the government is able to step in and look at this.
We do have a standard of measuring the impact: “This is A, B, and C.“ If we are able to follow that kind of impact without the involvement of the federal government, it is easier for the organization. With a not-for-profit, or social entrepreneur, or even big corporations, when they do a lot of CSA, they have something to follow. The impact created by the federal government is that we are able to follow and to be measured by a certain standard board. If the federal government is able to create some sort of national measurement, it would be a win for the not-for-profits, for public social entrepreneurs, and also for corporations.