I'm a builder by trade. Trico Homes is my company. We have two programs being initiated. One program is the affordable rental program that we are working on with the provincial government. On top of that, we have a program called accessible housing that's providing a 5% no-interest down payment for the buyer to be able to purchase a home. We work with CMHC to get it to approve the program.
With that in mind, I think the affordable housing program, the one with accessible housing, is a lot easier to handle compared to housing on a reserve. Basically, the way we are doing it, we have to look at this and create a share value, to make sure that we are able to take this as a private sector initiative to provide 5% interest-free loan to the buyer to come and buy a house. What we did was set up a non-profit. This non-profit is an arm's-length organization from us based on the public's ability to provide that down payment. We try to work on this with CMHC, with the bank, and with the community foundation. Hopefully, we can make these programs move forward. At the end of the day, you're looking at the return. I don't think the funders are interested in a return; they're interested in an impact. At the same time, on this particular program, the funders hope that they can reserve their money, make sure that their money can be recycled a long, long time into the future.