Thank you very much, honourable Chair and members of the committee.
Thank you for the opportunity to address you on this timely and important issue of social finance and social enterprise.
In this room we all agree that we face a common challenge that was stated in the federal government's 2014 budget, which is that alone government cannot solve the social and economic issues we face. But we believe that social finance and social enterprise are two tools that can help us address the growing complex social issues, the challenges of changing demographics, and the shrinking government budgets.
First of all, I think congratulations to all of you are in order. In some meaningful ways in a matter of a few years the governments across Canada and across parties have moved from an observer of an emerging international social finance and social enterprise sector to a recognized partner and facilitator. In 2013, the Social Enterprise Council of Canada was pleased to partner with the government to host the Social Enterprise World Forum in Calgary and very pleased that at that conference then Minister of Employment and Social Development Canada, the Honourable Jason Kenny, stated government support for social finance and social enterprise. With your leadership and the hard work of dedicated public servants, we're seeing results and impact.
I'd like to give you a couple of minutes of background and then offer five suggestions for moving forward.
Social enterprises are community-based businesses that prioritize the social outcome rather than just a financial return to shareholders. Any profits generated are reinvested into further social impact. They actually seek a blended value return on investment, a social and a financial value. They're operated by non-profits, by charities, hybrid companies, and some non-profit co-ops. They cross every business sector, from manufacturing, retail stores, cleaning services, health care, arts, recycling, and more. They target an entire spectrum of social outcomes, including social inclusion, employment training, poverty reduction, youth at risk, homelessness, and employment for people with barriers and disabilities.
Here are a couple of examples. Starworks Packaging is operated by the Developmental Disabilities Association in Vancouver. Their customers include Finning International, Caterpillar, and BC Hydro. While delivering quality light manufacturing and assembly services on a commercial basis, they employ up to 45 persons with development disabilities.
BUILD, is a social enterprise construction company in Winnipeg and its target is to train and employ youth at risk. The majority of their participants are aboriginal youth. A major customer is Manitoba Housing. BUILD is recognized by the local chief of police as a significant intervention and model for addressing the real needs of youth at risk. While the courts and the police can offer another jail term for a youth with an existing record, BUILD can offer that youth an opportunity for training and future employment in the trades.
The Toronto Enterprise Fund supports up to 15 social enterprises addressing the training and employment needs of youth, adults, and new Canadians who are at risk of homelessness.
But as with any innovation, it's important that we measure and demonstrate the impact. With funding from ESDC, Dr. Peter Hall from Simon Fraser University and Dr. Peter Elson of the University of Victoria have been able to do surveys of social enterprises across Canada. In their latest survey of 757 social enterprises in six provinces and three territories they showed that those 750 social enterprises employed at least 20,000 people, with 75% or 15,000 of those employees targeted as part of the mission of the non-profit organization. The responding social enterprises raised $480 million or 75% of their total revenues from the sales of goods and services.
Now I'd like to offer you five potential solutions for the committee's considerations.
Some of these ideas will cost government nothing. Some will require extending or expanding current program access, some of these will require new or shifting priorities, and a couple involve some potential new investments.
First of all, many non-profits and potential impact investors are used to working in their separate, strictly social service or corporate arenas, but in a blended value business environment—social enterprise and social finance—we need to build the business acumen of the non-profit sector and we need to improve the social impact knowledge of the traditional investors. In other words, we need to create programs that will give social workers business skills and give potential investors social value perspectives.
We've discovered that many of the existing federal programs that support the activity of SMEs are not closed to non-profit-operated businesses by legislation or regulation. They just are not prepared or directed to engage with the social sector. It is very important to continue and expand the existing government initiatives to recognize social enterprise and non-profit ownerships as a business model. A minor budget item in supporting and continuing to support Industry Canada's Canada business network and other government programs will have huge returns.
Second, social enterprises are supply side and social value oriented. They need access to markets, the demand side, because with more customers, they grow their business and they increase their social impact. We recommend that the social procurement policies as outlined in a research paper exploring social procurement, prepared last year for ESDC, be adopted and implemented. Government can create significant social impact at no added cost, no loss of quality, and create a true value and dividend for Canadian taxpayers through social purchasing programs.
Third, as more social enterprises develop, grow, and expand in scale, the appropriate financing at the right stage is necessary. New models of grants, debt, and equity need to be developed.
Fourth, to support the marketplace, engagement of social enterprises and social finance, relevant government policies and programs across ministerial silos will need to be aligned. CRA and the charities division need to be seen as supportive and encouraging, not restricting the appropriate use of social enterprise within non-profits and charities.
Last, government is in a unique role to facilitate and encourage, to initiate, and to partner on cross-sector engagement. The participation and collaboration of government, the private sector, and the community sector are critically needed if we are going to move on any of these efforts.
Thank you very much for your time. I look forward to your questions and our continued work with government on these important issues.