The only thing I would add is that the biggest example of social finance in Canada, and I would contend perhaps in the world, is the registered disability savings plan. You have individual money, family money, government money working together through a distribution system of the financial institutions of Canada, the banks and credit unions and whatever. There is over $2 billion in deposits. Individuals with disabilities are able to spend that money on what they see fit.
Finance Minister Flaherty essentially said he'd trust people with disabilities and their families to know what's best for them. So it's their decision, their bank account; they're dreaming of the future for the first time in their lives. They're thinking about owning their own homes, about putting a little money aside for retirement, of doing things way beyond what they're able to do under the traditional welfare formula in Canada. It's a brilliant example, and that's the boldness we think social finance offers as opposed to tinkering around the system. It's an opportunity to be as bold as possible and to get the money directly where it belongs, to the individuals who need it.
I think about 80,000 people with disabilities in this country, or about 15%, now see their future differently than they ever did before.