On the disability savings plan, I don't think anyone would argue that the revenue from individual disability savings plans is going to be enough for anyone to live on. It complements the current supports that we provide through our welfare system.
But I am saying that the hidden benefit of the disability savings plan that we've noticed is that now some provincial governments are beginning to rethink their whole welfare approach to disability. Because there is no requirement to report, and there is no policing through the disability savings plan, they're beginning to wonder now why they need to have social workers or welfare workers who are simply monitoring on a monthly basis the very limited resources that people with disabilities get. They're beginning to ask if they can rethink how we support people with disabilities and move it more into this asset framework and away from a welfare framework.
That's why I'm encouraging this kind of bolder thinking. It's the greater challenge. All of these social finance tools by themselves are not going to reinvent the system. We are a caring country. We allocate significant resources in this country, but I don't think they're as targeted. Social finance gives us an opportunity to bring in business discipline, to leverage other resources, and to make existing government allocations more targeted so that they go directly to the individual. That's the bold opportunity: to reinvent our framework of care in this country for the 21st century, because what we're currently using is almost 100 years old and it has all kinds of assumptions that no longer make sense.