Thank you very much, Mr. Chair, and thank you to everyone for being here.
I think we're going to have to get a tape of that. I think that's a pretty good commercial for the next election campaign for the Conservative Party; and God rest Jim Flaherty's soul, he contributed a lot. People with disabilities was a major area he spent a lot of time working on as Minister of Finance and as an MP and an MPP prior to that. What a legacy he's left for this country.
What is the biggest challenge in establishing a social enterprise? Is it financial? Is it operational? Is it getting the right community partners to come together? Is it administrative? Is it too much or too little government?
Mr. Aitken, you gave an excellent example of some of the projects you're doing, and maybe we'll start with you. What did you folks find as the major stumbling block or challenge in being able to get these kinds of things up and running?