Thank you very much for the opportunity to present to your committee.
I thought I would take a couple of minutes to tell you a little bit about the RBC social finance initiative to give you some context, and then jump into a description and explanation of how we see the different parts of the market and what our observations are regarding the role of government in helping to move forward this area of finance.
I'm going to start by clarifying the way that we define social finance. We understand social finance to be the use of private capital in financial markets for social good. The other thing that I think is an important context-setting piece is that we look at the social finance marketplace as having three distinct portions, similar to any financial marketplace. There's the supply of capital on one side, meaning the money that flows into social finance and social good. On the other side are the enterprises, the companies, and the organizations that demand and require the capital in order to deliver social good. In the middle, of course, you have intermediaries.
The supply can be, for example, high net-worth individuals, governments, banks, and angel investors, etc. On the demand side you can have for-profit companies that are delivering social good, non-profit companies, projects, and cooperatives, etc. Then in the intermediary bucket we would include things like financial institutions, funds, and any intermediary that facilitates the flow of capital between those who need it and those who have it.
With that context, the other piece that I also find very helpful, at least in our business, is looking at the range of social finance. The way that we understand social finance is that when you are taking private capital and using it for public the good, there are a number of different ways that those investors, those with the supply of capital, look at where to place their capital. It can range anywhere from traditional responsible investing, perhaps be screening publicly traded companies and picking the ones that are the least harmful in their sector, all the way through to what we would call “impact investing” or “venture philanthropy”, where you're actually looking at placing money for really deep social impact, and where you may not be as concerned with returns. It's important to see that there's a continuum in the types of investors and people who are looking to provide money in the social finance space.
In 2012 RBC launched our social finance initiative. Our intention with the initiative was to be in a position to catalyze social finance in Canada. We wanted to do it through four pillars.
The first pillar was that we were going to be investors in the marketplace. We set aside a small pool of capital, $10 million, specifically to invest in early-stage companies with a social or an environmental mission—but they had to be for-profit companies.
The second pillar was to demonstrate the power of foundations and endowments to participate in this space. We made a commitment to take at least $10 million of the RBC Foundation's endowment and invest it for the social good. In fact, we're currently at about $15 million of the endowment. It's invested more along the lines of responsible investing, but it is still something that is not that commonly done with endowment and institutional money.
The third piece of the initiative is the powerful piece for a large corporation like RBC, and that's to catalyze social finance by helping drive thought leadership and partnerships. This is a really key piece, helping to develop this side of the market and those who need the money into more investable enterprises. We call this “accelerate the accelerators”, which is providing some funding and partnership to start up accelerators that help cultivate better entrepreneurs and better social enterprises.
The last pillar was to look at the opportunities in RBC to incorporate social finance into our core business, which of course is capital markets, wealth management, asset management, etc.
Those are the four pillars of the initiative. Of course, the way that we're looking at success is, how are we catalyzing social finance? How much money have we invested for impact? How many social entrepreneurs have we helped?
We're also looking specifically at delivering social good in a number of sectors through our investments. We're looking at employment, specifically for youth and the hard-to-employ. We're looking at water, and we're looking at energy.
Of course, we're looking at how this looks to our businesses. There's a very deep amount of interest in this among our wealth management colleagues. Of course, we also want to make sure that, where appropriate, we are cultivating the relationships and positive views of RBC's leadership in the sector.
That being said, we have actually invested almost $4 million for impact. We've been putting money out the door for about 18 months. We have seven investments. We also have six strategic partnerships with start-up accelerators. We see that through our investments we have helped 80 hard-to-employ individuals get work just in 2014, etc. So we're tracking a number of different pieces of data.
The important thing about this, though, is what we've learned along the way, which, indeed, is the focus of this initiative.
I will sum up in a couple of points what we've learned.
The first thing we have learned is that the supply of funds for social finance in Canada is growing rapidly from a very small base. We've learned this through a couple of different research papers we did last year. There's about a trillion dollars in responsible investment assets under management in Canada, but only about $4 billion to $5 billion of that is the deep impact investing, the kind of investment money that drives deep social impact.
We've also seen that institutional investors, the foundations and endowments, are resistant to impact investing. In some cases there are reasons for it, which I'll talk about briefly in a minute.
We also found that in Canada almost 45% of high-net-worth people think that making a positive social impact is very or extremely important. Interestingly, 75% of the people under 40 think that. We think there's a wave coming of deep interest with private money and in putting that money into the social good.
We found that the top barriers to the growth of impact investing in Canada include a shortage of high-quality opportunities for investment money in this space. Very importantly, particularly in the context of government, is inadequate measurement and the inadequate data available on social and environmental impact and social and environmental status, so that you know whether you've made an impact.
What does this mean for the role of government?
I've picked my six favourite things.
I will start with the supply of money. In terms of the supply of capital for social finance, there are three things that government can do to play an important role, and in some cases has started.
First is is credit enhancement. In banking, this means guarantees. This is first-loss capital. It basically means backstopping investment money into a sector where you want to see investment. In particular, this is important for de-risking some of the riskier, early-stage-type investing that smaller retail investors, who can't afford to lose a lot of money but who might want to participate in social finance, might be more inclined to do it if it were somehow backstopped to some extent.
The second way government can play a role in supply development is a really important one. It's around clarifying the fiduciary duty of institutional investors. The way it stands right now is that trustees of pension funds and endowments in Canada, depending on the jurisdiction, are uncertain if they are breaching their fiduciary duty by investing for social impact rather than strictly for returns.
The third way is to make capital available to fund intermediaries. This is the model that Big Society Capital in the U.K. is using, making money available for funds and not necessarily putting government money directly into the enterprises.
It would also really help if government were to make accurate community-level social data widely available. For example, what is the social impact of investing in something? What is the dollar value of a particular social problem, and what is the return to society of solving it? For example, it returns $50,000—I'm making the numbers up—a year to keep one person out of prison. It returns x thousand dollars a year to keep a kid in school for another few years, etc.
In short, what is the social dollar value of the various social problems? Make that information available, make it easy for people to know when they've solved that problem and for the government to know how much impact that has on the taxpayer and on social costs.