We deal in the area of employment for people with barriers to employment. For us, the current way the system is set up—and I'm speaking to the provincial systems in terms of how the community service agencies like the YMCA and such are being paid—is that it's based on the number of people who attend training sessions and on the number of people who are placed in jobs. It's not, for the most part, based on retention of the people put in jobs.
In this intermediary role we play between the employers and the community service agencies, we had pilots with TD Bank, Loblaw, Whole Foods, and Sun Life, and when playing that intermediary role we were able to get a lot of people placed, but we failed in actually getting these candidates to be successful while on the job.
So we didn't help anyone. We didn't help the candidates. The candidates were placed in the jobs, but then it didn't work out and they were back on social assistance, and their confidence was lower and so forth. We didn't help the employers.
We stopped those pilots and said that we needed to not play this intermediary role for placements only. We said that we needed to look at the whole value chain of how people are prepared for jobs and how they are set up to be successful in the jobs. For me, it's all about retention in the area we're in.