Thank you very much. Again, thank you for the opportunity to speak to the committee on this very important topic.
My comments will echo many of Magnus's comments about the role of the private sector in enabling social finance. I'll begin by offering the committee my perspective on social finance that might be a little bit different from some of the other comments you've heard so far.
For me, the first think I think about is who actually participates in social finance or who the participants are. When I think of social finance, the idea of investing to achieve both social and financial returns, or blended returns, is often championed by the charitable or non-profit sector. However, social finance is not the exclusive purview of the charitable sector. When we think of blended returns, it is equally as valid to think of social finance as it applies to the activities of for-profit incorporated organizations and ventures similar to the ones that Magnus had identified.
In fact, a growing number of companies have, as their raison d'être, the desire to fundamentally tackle social problems that are present to society. Legal forum in that way is therefore not a precondition for social finance.
The second part of my perspective centres on social finance as more than just those that participate in the investment activity. An entire ecosystem of actors participates in social finance in one form or another, and in some cases, there may be several agues of separation between the actors and the investment activity.
There is a very small example. I teach a course on social entrepreneurship and impact investing, a subcategory of social finance, to engineering students at the University of Toronto. People would think social entrepreneurship and engineering students might be an odd place for a talk on social finance, but it's actually a fantastic opportunity to expose a different category of individuals to the concept of social finance.
I also advise a group called ABC Life Literacy. In fact, I believe that Gillian Mason from ABC will be speaking to this committee later this week. Gillian is interested in social finance not only as a possible recipient of social investment but also insofar as her organization may be able to support others to engage in social finance.
Business incubators, advisory firms, legal firms, monitoring and evaluation initiatives, government agencies, all of these and others provide some form of value to helping develop the social finance ecosystem in Canada. Social finance, therefore, represents a clustering of different forms of economic activity.
Third, social finance can be viewed as an instrument that is helping to breakdown traditional firewalls between economic sectors.
A gentleman by the name of Antony Bugg-Levine, the CEO of the Nonprofit Finance Fund and a noted speaker and file leader in social finance, often speaks of the bifurcation of our world in which we invest in one case only to make money or private gain on one side, and we solve social problems through charity or public good on the other.
Social finance breaks these silos down. With social finance, private sector actors with the right motivation and intent can invest for private good alongside private gain. The role of government in this model also changes. With social finance tools, government can now focus on incentivizing private actors and establish the conditions by which they can finance public good.
My firm, Purpose Capital, was founded with this perspective in mind. My business partners and I launched our firm with a goal of mobilizing all forms of capital—financial, physical, human and social—to accelerate social progress. We aim to bridge and divide between businesses and organizations, looking to make the world a better place, and investors seeking a blended or compelling financial and tangible social impact.
Our experience with social finance takes many forms. One of our practice areas specializes in advising asset owners in the development of social finance strategies.
I'll offer an example of our work with the Inspirit Foundation. Inspirit Foundation's mission is to inspire pluralism among young Canadians of different spiritual, religious, and secular backgrounds. This is achieved through a national ground-making program and a commitment to mission related investing, or MRI.
Purpose Capital has worked with Inspirit Foundation since January of last year to define, implement, and monitor their MRI program, which strikes 5% of their endowed funds toward mission and fulfillment.
We are pleased to be an ongoing part of Inspirit as they shape and deepen their commitment to impact investing. We look at investors like Inspirit as the ideal group to participate in social finance. They have both the assets to invest and a deeply ingrained desire to align social impact with their investment strategies. However, they are the exception and not yet the norm when it comes to impact investing or social finance.
For other investors there is the need for firms like ours that take a more active role in removing either perceived or actual barriers to investment.
A second practice area of our firm specializes in creating or co-creating opportunities for social finance investment. We work with asset owners not simply to advise them, but to structure opportunities.
I will offer an example of our work in this case. This one is still in its infancy, but its creativity is something we're proud of and it embodies the perspective I spoke to earlier. It's called the resilient communities fund. RCF is an initiative that aims to rethink how affordable housing is financed and built. Instead of focusing on what I would call the usual suspects in affordable housing development, which are governments and non-profit agencies, to finance the affordability RCF focuses on profit-focused real estate investors. Through RCF, investors purchase investment properties with an RCF mortgage and lease those properties to someone in affordable housing need.
Our mortgage product is linked to an endowment fund that bridges the affordability gap for the tenant. The tenant pays what they can afford and the investor receives market rate return.
Private citizens themselves become investors in social finance, taking the burden off governments and charitable organizations so they can invest in other forms of housing and programming.
With these experiences in mind I will offer the committee some thoughts on how the federal government may participate in social finance.
First, government should think of itself as an enabler of social finance. By an enabler I mean the government should consider how it may help to create the conditions for a flourishing social finance ecosystem. This does not imply governments as a funder. Rather I see a more powerful role of government as an incentivizer. One specific incentive is time. The old adage of time is money applies to social finance as much as it does to traditional finance.
I think of our work in affordable housing and focused real estate as an example. A more rapid project approval process for socially impactful real estate projects could fundamentally change the economics of a project. From a government process perspective, enablement can be done either the easy way or the hard way. I always default to the easy way first. In this case it may mean prioritizing small changes to government policy that do not require regulation changes or new legislation.
A second role for government is as an investment catalyst. One structure the committee may consider is a catalytic capital fund. Catalytic capital structures bring together different categories of investors, what we would call the social first investor and the finance first investor, into the same investment opportunity. One investor category invests capital and agrees to absorb a certain preset level of loss. In doing so other investment groups reduce the risk associated with the overall investment opportunity. Due to the reduced risk an investor group receives a return that is more in line with their risk return expectations, which is typically the market rate.
Thinking of catalysts, I will offer one final example to the committee and that is of the Big Society Capital. You might have heard of Big Society Capital from other speakers before this committee.
Big Society Capital is a socially motivated financial institution out of the United Kingdom. Big Society Capital invests in the social finance ecosystem in the United Kingdom, which in itself is a fantastic thing. The more impressive thing is how they were able to be capitalized. The initial capital seed for the Big Society Capital fund was English dormant bank accounts. Dormant bank accounts are those where the account holder has ceased to access, whether they may have passed away as an example. After a certain custody period UK banks forward these bank account funds to a series of intermediaries, and then those funds eventually are sent to Big Society Capital.
Why is this relevant to our discussion? In Canada dormant bank accounts account for approximately $532 million as of December 2013. The Bank of Canada holds these funds for a 40-year custody period, and then funds held prior to that custodial period are transferred to the Receiver General of Canada. I think it would be an amazing thing to see if the federal government may be able to replicate or somehow catalyse a form of Big Society Capital in Canada as a demonstration of their commitment to the growth of social finance.
With that I will end my remarks. Thank you.