We have two due diligence processes. One is our financial due diligence and the other is our social due diligence.
The financial due diligence process looks quite similar to a bank's. However, in the bank you have the sales department and the credit department, and there are more guidelines there. We have fewer guidelines, so if we, for example, believe in the entrepreneur and that the entrepreneur could make a profitable business, then we can foresee maybe fewer assets and revenue streams and so forth. But that's the financial due diligence, which is similar to a bank, but maybe a little bit more hands on and not as strict.
In terms of the social due diligence—and this has been something we have developed over time through trial and error a little bit because we don't have a model to fall back on—it looks at the opportunity. Would this be a good place for the candidate to work in? Is it a good manger? Could the manager spend the time required to make this candidate successful in the job? Are there a lot of entry level positions? What are the career paths? How is the pay escalation? So we do due diligence on some of those components.