Thank you, witnesses, for your testimony here today.
I think it's been a interesting week in many ways for our committee. On Tuesday we had the supply side of the equation for social finance. Those are the intermediaries and financiers who are trying to look for opportunities to invest within the social sphere. We heard their story about the fact that, frankly, at this point, they're not able to find enough demand for the money they have available. Today we've heard from three organizations who I believe have a need for investment on the demand side.
One of the things that hopefully will come out of our study, which I think has a very good possibility of expanding because we've had a lot of interest in this study, is a report that gives a unique Canadian perspective on this and will begin to bridge those disconnects that perhaps exist today so that organizations like yours can benefit and prosper, move forward in the future, and achieve your goals.
Thank you again for being here with us.
Committee members, that concludes today's meeting.