Thank you, Mr. Chair.
On behalf of the Peel Multicultural Council, its board and staff, I thank the House of Commons Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities for giving us the opportunity to present our social enterprise project to this committee.
I would like to take this opportunity to introduce our organization to the committee. Peel Multicultural Council, founded in 1977, develops and implements innovative strategies to help and empower newcomers, racial minorities, and other marginalized communities to obtain self-sufficiency. It's a charitable, non-profit organization that promotes a harmonious multicultural society and facilitates the settlement of newcomers to Canada.
We have a long history in the Region of Peel. Our three main areas of service are to assist the settlement of newcomers; promote ethnocultural diversity, equity, and equality; and build community capacity. This social enterprise falls into that third area of building community capacity.
As you can see, achievement-wise, in our history of about 38 years, we started actually in the area of public education and awareness, mainly in the areas of equity, equality, diversity, race relations, and social justice. We pioneered cultural sharing and appreciation through multicultural festivals and events, and encouraged civic participation by newcomers to Canada. This means that we have, I think, of all the regions, the highest percentage of those who were born outside to be elected to the federal and provincial parliaments. The participation level is pretty high in our area.
With regard to community development, we have established and assisted in the development of many community groups. We have developed neighbourhood services in the Meadowvale area. We have established 112 units of non-profit housing, which is now by itself under its own board of directors.
In the settlement area, we have been providing settlement services since 1985. We started with ESL job development, then language training, which is the LINC program. Now we have information, orientation, and referral services, job search workshops, enhanced language training with bridged employment, community connections for both youth and adults, and newcomer settlement programs.
These programs help the community of Meadowvale, where we are located, in the Streetsville—Mississauga riding of Mr. Brad Butt. We have been providing these services in a very efficient manner. We have seen our member of Parliament to be very supportive, and always for his community organizations very helpful and always working very hard for the community.
Services-wise, as I just said, we have language training and employment support. In employment support, not only do we provide them with training but we also assist them in placement and finding paired jobs also. We also provide newcomer settlement services funded by the province. This funding allows us to help those newcomers who have become Canadian citizens and can no longer access CIC-funded services. They access those services through this program.
Community Connections is where we connect new immigrants with already established and settled mentors from the area, so they can help them develop their networks and also guide them in the settlement process.
The social enterprise project of PMC is under development. I will go through where we are in that process.
The goal of PMC's social enterprise is an initiative to deliver excellent social service products and services and meet the needs of the community that are not being met with the currently funded structure; enhance our social mission; and contribute to the sustainability of PMC. So we get three things out of the social enterprise.
How did we get to this process? In early 2014 PMC decided to explore social enterprise as tool for addressing emerging service needs in the community, in our area, and sustainability for PMC.
We undertook three social enterprise ideas and conducted pre-feasibility studies: legal, immigration and allied services as as social purpose enterprise; computer training as a social purpose enterprise; and computer repairs as a social purpose enterprise.
Now, all of these areas are related to the strength of the PMC. The PMC has a very strong IT department also, so that's why we chose these areas. Based on financial projections—you will see those further down in the presentation—and also the closeness to the kind of services we provide, we chose legal, immigration, and allied services as our social enterprise .
Why do we think we are ready for undertaking this task? PMC management has undergone comprehensive training to develop and deliver social services. This training was provided by the Region of Peel. Orientation training for PMC board and staff was conducted to have them on board with the idea, so that the whole organization is behind it. PMC has incorporated this in its strategic plan for 2015-2020.
PMC conducted pre-feasibility studies, as mentioned earlier, and based on financial projections and alignment with our services, we chose this enterprise not just because we liked a certain idea; there was a rationale to do it.
PMC's staff already has certified paralegals, certified immigration consultants—though not practising in our current services—settlement workers, interpreters, and translators. We are equipped with the technical abilities that are required to deliver these services.
PMC has enough space in its current building to create a social enterprise office to deliver this service. We are well connected to the community. There are about 75 organizations that are members of PMC, and we ourselves belong to a number of networks, including OCASI, which is the umbrella organization for settlement services in the province of Ontario.
One of the reasons for choosing legal, immigration, and allied services as a social enterprise was that, through various community consultations, we learned that there's a need for cost-effective and approachable legal, immigration, and allied services in our community. A feasibility study was done, and that also aligns with it. This project is very close to what we do right now, and services under the social enterprise, as we said earlier, would be undertaken by registered paralegal and registered immigration consultants, so people can trust the service. Already PMC enjoys a high level of community trust for its services in the area.
Some of the services we plan to offer in each of the three areas of the chosen social service project are: small claims court; the Ontario Court of Justice under the Provincial Offences Act; summary conviction offences where the maximum penalty does not exceed six months; administrative tribunals, including the Financial Services Commission of Ontario; landlord and tenant services for small to mid-size landlords; and alternate dispute resolution services—namely, mediation and arbitration services.