Are you familiar with the homelessness partnering strategy, and if so, are you aware of the work the Mental Health Commission of Canada did? We've now got back the results of its study and its recommendation that we use this housing first model going forward.
I'm very familiar with this program from my days in the private sector prior to being elected to Parliament, because I was very actively involved in the program in Toronto. I actually considered that kind of a social enterprise model, because you brought in landlords, you brought in the Mental Health Commission of Canada, you brought in housing supports, and you brought in St. Michael's Hospital, which was doing the research and providing the support to the individuals who were housed.
Is that kind of a model what you would envision for the hardest-to-house individuals, people who typically are mentally ill or have mental health-related issues, the very hard to house people because of what's going on in their lives and the support they need? Is that the kind of model you'd see that maybe social enterprise would lend itself more to supporting?