Okay. I don't know how much time I have, but I'm going to ask a question or two about cooperatives now.
Thank you for that, Mr. Richter. I appreciate your thoughts.
I think Ms. Morin referred to this as well. Co-ops are almost our social enterprises, if you think about it. The models may be a little bit different. Do you see any real differences between social enterprise and how the cooperative and mutual sector has evolved over time? Are there any other things you would recommend that would perhaps lead to more communities and organizations developing these kinds of models to do a lot of the work that you're doing? We all know why co-ops first came to the forefront. It's because the traditional methods weren't doing it and people came together and said that we've got to do something.
Do you see much of a difference between the two models, and where would you see a social enterprise working better than a traditional cooperative model?