Thank you, Mr. Chairman, and good afternoon. Thank you for this opportunity. I apologize that I couldn't join you in person.
I come to this conversation from the housing and homelessness arena and as someone who has been an affordable housing developer that has housed over 4,000 people in a range of housing first programs. I have experience in the private sector and a public company.
I'm a big supporter of both social finance and social enterprise, but would caution that neither are silver bullets. For the purposes of my testimony today, I'm going to focus on social finance and specifically on social impact bonds and social finance opportunities for affordable housing, in a similar vein to what Mr. Murphy just referred to.
I will start with the potential for social impact bonds in reducing homelessness, because these instruments have been the focus of a lot of talk and research in social finance circles. The Government of Canada recently shifted the homelessness partnering strategy to housing first, which I wholeheartedly and enthusiastically support. Housing first is a revolutionary and highly effective response to homelessness and is at the heart of province-wide homelessness reduction here in Alberta.
At first blush, housing first lends itself to social impact bonds. For these bonds to work or to make any financial sense for government, there has to be a cost savings or cost avoidance to share with investors. ln a recent national evaluation of housing first, the Mental Health Commission of Canada concluded that for every $10 invested in housing first, an average of $21.72 was saved. Results in Alberta have demonstrated that housing first participants have 85% fewer days in jail, 67% fewer days in hospital, and 61% fewer interactions with emergency medical services.
I would love social impact bonds to work at scale in Canada, but I am honestly sceptical about their application to homelessness for three reasons.
First, to generate a return, governments have to be prepared to monetize the savings and pay investors back their principal plus a modest return. For the most part, the savings generated in homelessness in most social services, especially in housing first, accrue to the provinces, which doesn't help the federal government, and getting provincial governments to monetize savings will be a challenge.
Second, there have to be capable intermediaries that can monitor performance, that have rigorous data systems in place, that can hold a portfolio of programs to manage risk and be capable of engaging with market investors, and there are very few of these in Canada today. The federal government could develop powerful intermediaries through various homelessness partnering strategies in the community entity structure, but they would have to completely transform and reinforce the role of those bodies and change how the HPS is administered.
Third, you must have skilled and capable agency partners that can deliver the outcome. Achieving the performance needed to achieve the returns is more easily said than done, and the level of accountability for outcome required is fairly new to the non-profit sector. I think it will come, perhaps in the next five years, but I don't think we are at a place where housing first is sufficiently mature to support social impact bonds.
SIBs, in my view, may be best employed for newer or emerging interventions or when an intervention is applied to a government system for the first time and where risk can be transferred to the investor. When it comes to proven interventions like housing first, the government would be better to focus on performance-based contracting, as the other gentleman referred to, where vou can create incentives for exceeding performance targets or penalties for falling short. That way you can drive improved performance and achieve cost savings without private equity at the same price.
To me social impact bonds can be a great tool for sparking innovation, but they aren't as valuable as scalable tools for resolving social issues. So in my mind, the key question for this committee is where can the federal government have the greatest impact? ln the housing and homelessness arena, my view is that you are best to focus on bricks and mortar.
Each year 235,000 Canadians experience homelessness, 35,000 on any given night. An estimated 1.5 million low-income Canadian households live in core housing need, and over 730,000 renter households in extreme housing need.
The rise of modern mass homelessness in Canada traces back to federal withdrawal from housing investment, including a 46% reduction in federal affordable housing investment over the last 25 years, despite a 30% growth in Canada's population. We have a very, very serious housing shortage in Canada. Markets do not create affordable housing, because there's little profit to be had. Further, there's limited market rental construction because there's much greater and faster profitability in home ownership.
There's an important opportunity for the federal government, at limited cost, to draw private equity into non-market and rental housing. This is an area of clear federal jurisdiction where I'd recommend focusing social finance efforts. Social finance opportunities in this space are really only limited to our creativity. Mr. Murphy gave a couple of good examples, but I'm going to give you three ideas.
First, make donations of land and buildings to non-profit or charitable organizations for the purpose of affordable housing tax deductible. We already do this for environmental conservation; we should apply these incentives to affordable housing.
Two, introduce a low-income housing tax credit. Essentially, a low-income housing tax credit is designed to give private equity investors reductions in federal income tax for dollars invested in qualifying affordable housing projects. Unlike most other incentives, the government would set a maximum amount of affordable housing tax credits awarded each year so you know in advance the cost because you've set the amount. The credits would be allocated to the provinces and territories based on CMHC's assessment of core housing need, and a provincial or territorial body would take applications and award them according to set criteria. The low-income housing tax credit has been in place in the United States for three decades and has created thousands of units of housing. We estimate that, with $150 million annual investment in these tax credits, over 4,800 units of housing per year could be created.
Third, I'd consider loan guarantees for non-profit housing bond issues. Today large private rental housing developers can go to market for financing. Large companies can get favourable financing because they're deemed good credit risks. Non-profits don't typically have the cash flow or asset depth to get low-cost financing in the same way that the private sector does. With a guarantee, non-profits could issue bonds and use their existing asset base as equity. This would actually be an excellent tool for redevelopment of old CMHC-funded social housing that is now largely mortgage-free on prime real estate in much of the country. You would also protect that social housing coming out of their federal agreements from being lost to private developers. With this approach to finance and federal guarantees on about $500 million in debt, likely through CMHC, you could create over $1.5 billion in housing investment, equating to about 8,000 units of new affordable housing at no cost to government.
There's a lot of really creative housing finance happening today in the United Kingdom. I'd encourage you, if you get a chance, to have a look at Orbit housing as one very good example. Similarly, the Regent Park redevelopment in Toronto was backed by the City of Toronto, allowing for much lower cost borrowing.
In conclusion, I'm a big fan of social finance and social enterprise, and I'd encourage the committee, when it comes to the housing and homelessness space, to act where the federal government can have the greatest impact in areas of clear federal jurisdiction, and that's in the creation of affordable rental housing.
At the end of the day, social finance alone will not be sufficient to alleviate Canada's housing crisis. Direct federal investment will eventually be required. We're estimating that for about $46 per Canadian, or about $1.7 billion a year in combined and direct investment in social finance strategies, we could virtually eliminate homelessness in Canada in 10 years.
Thank you.