In our low-income housing tax credit, high-net-worth individuals or groups or corporations, whoever, have some money and they pay a significant amount of federal income tax. They could contribute or invest some portion of that income into affordable housing. The government at the beginning of a year would say they wanted to issue $300-million worth of affordable housing tax credits. A fixed amount would go into the incentive and would be divided around the country. For example, Ontario might get $75 million worth of affordable housing tax credits.
Typically what happens in the States is that there aren't enough individuals to use all the tax credits, so an intermediary—Royal Bank would be an example—would pool them in a mutual fund structure, and then that pool of money could be invested in low-income housing, however it's defined. In the United States, that low-income housing has taken a range of different forms, everything from a really deep subsidy, permanent supportive housing to near-market affordable housing.
If an investor wants to reduce the amount of federal tax they're paying and they can contribute some money as an investment, they make at least part of their return on that tax credit.