Yes, definitely.
Where we're seeing the difficulty with the data is across the board at the federal level especially. As you're well aware, most cooperatives are incorporated at the provincial level. There are only about 80 or 90 co-ops that fall under the federal act; everything else is at the provincial level.
Some of the provincial governments—Quebec being one of the leaders—have gone to a great amount time and energy to encourage the sector within the province to be collecting this data and to basically to be developing the needs assessment on the ground to figure out where the holes are. Then they go to the co-op sector and say, “With your help we've identified these holes. Can we develop co-ops to fill them?”
Quebec is actually working on a pilot project right now with mining companies in the north, trying to see if they could possibly bring co-ops in to work with the mines to provide the exterior services to the mines—the housecleaning and transportation needs, and stuff—as a way to reduce costs. That is more revenue into the coffers in the province.
Other provinces are slowly coming on board as well. I know that Manitoba is in the process of looking at the development of a provincial co-op development strategy, which, from my indication, is supposed to be signed shortly. So some provinces are much more avant-garde, let's say.
However, at the federal level we're still trying to play catch-up, so it's hard to get a national picture of where the needs and the holes are. But we're hoping that with these federations, such as the health care one that we saw yesterday, and other federations, we can start to work with them and encourage them to get this data so that we can make informed decisions.