I think first and foremost we have to recognize that we're talking about very difficult, entrenched social problems here. These aren't things that are easy to fix. If they were, we have a lot of smart people working in governments across the country and they would have fixed them already. So I think the appeal of these instruments is that they offer the opportunity to harness more innovative approaches.
I would agree that, generally speaking, governments in Canada and around the world aren't necessarily the best at piloting things, seeing if they work, and if they don't work, discarding them and trying something else. That's much more of a private sector mindset.
Governments tend to want to develop something that's going to go across the entire country or entire province. We have a lot of political capital and financial investment in the success of that initiative, and it's very difficult for us to then pull back from that and say that it didn't work, let's cut it. Our instinct in government tends to be let's keep investing in something, but we don't really have the data about whether it works or not. We've written reports about that at Mowat.
The culture of government certainly tends to be more risk adverse. It tends not to be quite as innovative. I think that's the appeal of these instruments, and that's the reason they offer an opportunity for governments.
But I think it's very important to recognize that governments still play the primus inter pares, the first among equals, role in terms of setting direction and deciding what those difficult social problems are. Governments should still be very heavily involved in this. I don't think this is an area we want to outsource, solving difficult problems, to the private sector.