Thank you for the question.
I'll try to be more brief than I was last time. Good English would help too.
It's hard to say without looking specifically at the individual program. Put simply, social innovation and social finance are about increasing the public good. At the outset we should know what the public good is. What are we trying to do?
If you take the Canada learning bond example, or our social enterprise model we use under the urban aboriginal strategy, it has very broad goals. We know what the broad goals are. We're trying to change leadership.
You can measure it, although it's very consuming to do it. We created a system where we could have a 12-year-old come in and get the leadership mentoring program. You take an intake slice of about 20 minutes, kind of like a client assessment tool, and you can measure exactly where they are. Let's say it's engagement and public speaking skills. Four months later they come out of the program and you should be able to track the difference, if any. It's good to know when there's not any change, as well, and how much effort and time has to be put into it.
There are a lot of indicators you can use. I think there are 264 indicators that are commonly used around the world. You can narrow that down to about 15. We've done the homework before on this sort of stuff.
One of the issues is that I don't think government officials who create programs go to that level. Sometimes they're asking you for indicators which are quantitative, when you really need to get a qualitative.... Changing our frame of reference is helpful. I'm not expecting everyone to change overnight and I'm not saying every program is that way.
If you want more people into learning bonds that increase educational outcomes, then you'd better be prepared to measure for 15 years and take some risk. The risk is small, but it's the commitment to change. I would say you're going to need qualitative stories from folks on an individual level.
I have 25 people in this program and with 15 of them we've seen change in their lives. We come back four years later and we've seen change again. Where are they now? That's the sort of thing we have to be doing in the long run and it takes commitment.
There are a ton of indicators you can measure all across the board, everything from increased economic participation and better schooling to how they adjust in society. There are ways. It's not rocket science to do it, but it takes a lot of effort and you have to build systems very thoughtfully at the outset.
They sometimes have to be holistic. Very quickly, if you have a child who cannot succeed in school, and you go backwards and do an indicator, and you find out they live in a household with four other families and that the parents can't help with homework, the indicator may not be that they're not getting good schooling; it's what's the support system. That's why friendship centres can have a wraparound holistic model. If we can't get to where the issue is, then we're not going to.... That's what social finance is supposed to do: get to cause and not the symptom. That takes a longer arc thinking.
I hope that's helpful.