I want to thank Jeffrey, Éric, and, of course, Evan—even though you're not in the room here—for very succinct and passionate, I would say, presentations today.
My first question is for Evan.
Evan, earlier in the month Margot Young from CUPE appeared before this committee. Following her presentation, a good friend of mine, John Malcolmson, whom I've worked with in the past, from CUPE research, in the beautiful province of B.C., of course, sent along a report which the clerk distributed to all committee members.
I think one of the most striking lines in the report is where he writes:
In many cases, the social service providers now considering SIBs [social impact bonds] are the same ones betrayed by more than a decade of funding austerity, bureaucratic immobility and policy neglect.
It does strike me that a major part of the social impact bond appeal is the promise of new governance models that would increase program support.
Does it worry you that a promise of change in this area ultimately points to a market-oriented model? Can you comment on this?