You hit the nail on the head with social finance. It's about measurement, or outcomes measurement. The complicated component of social programs, and we've dealt with this for decades now, is how you measure when you've had success. If you put a leadership program into place, how do you know at the end of the day whether you've created a leader? There are ways to do it though. The issue is that they don't necessarily fall into—and this may be a little unkind—traditional bureaucratic thinking about the scope or timeframe for this program and the length of time we have to work within before we need to measure and bring results back to Treasury Board and figure out whether it's been successful or not.
The first thing to say is that programs should be long arc. They have to be beyond two or three years before you're really going to see change. It puts too much pressure on organizations to figure out how to measure that change. That change is generally measured—and I can give you one example of something that we're assisting with working on—through some unconventional means like storytelling. You kind of have to track people's lives to figure out where you've had input into them. We know that personal stories about where people got their start and how they were moved along are very powerful. Friendship centres are known for the stories of how we've helped individuals, and that applies to the broader scheme. We have to get better at the measurement. One of the reasons we're doing an indigenous social innovation summit in Winnipeg is to get at the measurement. It's about how we're going to know. We're doing it over three years, because even the summit needs to be measured against itself as to whether it's had success and whether we see a change.
One example is that we started to do preliminary work with the McConnell Foundation on Canada learning bonds. The take-up on Canada learning bonds is really poor, speaking from an indigenous community perspective. From an indigenous community perspective that's because there are multiple barriers around them, things you wouldn't think of: proper identity, proper bank accounts, fear and anxiety with regard to the system. Just walking into a bank, if you're not used to working with a bank, can be daunting for an aboriginal person who's come from Cross Lake and moved into Winnipeg.
The Winnipeg Boldness Project, which is not our project, is looking at ways around it. The Omega project in Toronto looked at it, and they've had success: a 40% to 60% increase in Canada learning bond take-up.
Now the social innovation component of that is to take that money that's going back into banks and have the banks at a local level reinvest it into social programs in the community at level of the credit union or the bank. That's where the innovation starts to come in. The money is already there. The government has already put the money in the learning bonds. It's already out there. It's just a matter of accessing it, and it's for people under a certain income level, under the poverty line. Then you can measure.
I think Stephen Huddart from the McConnell Foundation appeared before you. He said that as soon as you have a four-year-old—and I have five kids—who knows there's an investment in their education out there, they will immediately start to change their behaviours. That's social change. Now how are you going to measure things for that four-year-old? The government cycle is not going to allow you to do that. You need longitudinal measurement systems.
Unfortunately, as I said before, the systems we have aren't designed for the social change we need. The Treasury Board needs to know that it's going to take a long time to do this. It's going to take a while, and we need to look at the short-, medium-, and long-term changes that we actually want to see.
I know I'm way over my time, so the chair's probably going to grab that. I won't try to answer the second question, because I think we kind of handled it.