I certainly know that you've had some support in the past, certainly on the capital front, in supporting the development of the building. You did mention in your presentation to the committee that the centre is receiving some commercial revenue from leasing out parking space and doing some other things.
One key idea in social enterprise is how to help the common good or social services to be delivered in a better and more effective way, not just by harnessing the non-profit sector, which often delivers those services in a very important way, but also bringing in private sector revenue and sponsorships, etc. Can you talk a little bit more about that? You mentioned that you're getting some private sector revenue through some of the things you are doing. How is that money then allocated back to help support the services that the agencies are providing in the community? One thing we've heard from other groups and that they're concerned about—it might be one of the recommendations in our report—is making sure we don't penalize non-profit groups for being able to get access to commercial revenue to help them actually deliver services.
Do you want to talk a little bit more about how you use that commercial revenue and how that benefits the programs you're delivering?