I want to thank our witnesses from Toronto for joining us via video conference today.
I was interested in Ms. Ashton's line of questioning. I guess she wasn't listening to the previous witness from The Honourable William G. Davis Centre for Families, who talked extensively about the work they're doing to support victims of domestic violence and about how they're actually collaborating through a very effective social enterprise network to provide direct services to women and children who are affected by domestic violence. I think we do know that there is a lot of excellent work going on across the country to support these women and their children in the very difficult situations they're in.
I have a question for our witnesses.
You've talked about the pros and cons of social impact bonds. Give me an example of one of the positive contributions social impact bonds have made. They can't all be bad. There have to be success stories out there that have worked, so tell me about a success story you're familiar with regarding how social impact bonds have actually benefited social good and social enterprise organizations, and have actually improved services in communities.