I think as well that some of the challenges that non-profits have in terms of supporting their communities have to do with a lot of the current types of funding models that exist in all provinces and at the federal and local levels. These tend to be short-term types of financing, which very tightly control where spending can go.
All governments, of course, are dealing with budget deficits and challenges like that, but a lot could actually be done with existing dollars if we had better dollars, if the dollars could be more flexibly utilized, even if we didn't have more dollars. There are some ideas about models, like evergreen contracts that could provide longer-term stability into the model so that planning could be done for organizations and they could actually be more effective in terms of using the money that they're currently allocated.
Again, I would return to the blue ribbon panel, which has actually made some, I think, useful and interesting suggestions about those types of ideas.