I would add that anything we're looking at in relation to it right now is costed back in the formula going forward, as Don said, if it's small enough and the intermediary is not involved.
I think, in something like this, the other thing we haven't really spoken about but could go on at length about here is the status quo in relation to social costs and social services costs. They're not affordable. It doesn't matter if the government is trying to make them affordable or not, unless we connect these two economies together.... Some of the data analysis that we give on that.... We did the mining in relation to the economy in my ministry and in relation to social expenditures. As a long-time police chief, and an entrepreneur, and business person, right now the economy is growing at $2 and we're spending $4.
When I try to explain that to people who work in my correctional centre, I explain it in terms of jobs. Our government wants to create 60,000 jobs by 2020. If you break that down, if those are $50,000 jobs and it's the only way you had to take in revenue as a government—we know there's more, but if it's a job—it takes the revenue of 12 of those jobs based on provincial income tax to house one inmate, without any other costs.
If we were going to grow by 195 inmates, we need 23,040 jobs annually to pay for inmate growth. You forecast that out to the year 2020, that's 60,000 jobs, and 16,230 of those jobs pay for inmate growth. I'm not talking about health costs, social service costs, or education costs; I'm talking about room and board at our correctional facilities. When we cost that further and realize that remanded offenders cost $80,000, and sentenced offenders cost $43,000, it doubles it. So 33,000 of those jobs will be needed today if it's based on income tax to pay for inmate growth in Saskatchewan. We don't need to go into the whole preamble upstream about what that means because I think that's ultimately what we're talking about.