I'll move away from charities. I'll give you an example.
We had a witness here when we first started this study who mentioned that there was a family foundation in Quebec that gives capital out to new businesses that want to start and they discount the interest, their ROI, if there's a percentage of the people who they hire with disabilities. I think that is a great initiative for a small business, or even a large business, that they are going to benefit by having a social conscience and hiring people with disabilities.
Is there any way we could even incorporate that in our finance or the things that we do? That's where I'm going, to that type of thing, because as I say, I just think that in Canada we don't do enough to encourage trying to help people with disabilities and work them into the workforce. I think there could be policy forwarded by the government that would assist businesses and encourage them. I had that experience myself. We had a program. We had a person with Down's syndrome work for us stocking shelves in our grocery store. It made a big difference in how our customers and our employees, as they saw that person working in our store, looked at me as the owner. The program was only for a certain length of time and then it was gone. The manager discontinued it, and everybody was disappointed, including myself. The thing is if there was some sort of initiative so that you go into that program and then you can carry on, I think it would be great and it would be an opportunity for what I call social finance. It's a government acting in a way of social finance to help a business incorporate that.
Maybe you could comment on any of those. Is there any possibility maybe in finance that you could discuss the opportunity that would present?