What has evolved from the study so far? I guess I'll come back to Mr. Mulvale's comment about the cream skimming or the risk that we see in the low-hanging fruit. It's easy to go after the low-hanging fruit and certainly more of a challenge to go after the more complex issues in society through social financing. That's what I'm drawing from our study, from 36,000 feet, so far.
I like your response about making sure that in the governance models that are set up, a lot of it comes down to analysis and evaluation being key. I guess the government has to come with a core set of principles. From there on it's pretty much on an issue-by-issue basis that you would negotiate the governance and the criteria for analysis and the outcomes wished. It's really tough to have a template other than bringing those core set of principles to addressing an issue. Perhaps you could comment further on that.
Then probably you'll just have time to go back—either Sally or Mr. Mulvale—on the risk you see, or the fact that we can't solve all our problems with social financing models. The state still has a role to play, especially in very complex issues.
I'll just step back and let you go.