Members, I'd like to call the meeting to order. Thank you so much.
This is meeting number 56 of the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. We're here for our final meeting with witnesses today to wrap up our study on exploring the potential of social finance in Canada.
First of all, I'd like to introduce you to Andrew Lauzon. He is substituting today for Jessica, who has a family matter to deal with.
I'd also like to welcome our witnesses. Good afternoon. I know we had a previous engagement with you. We didn't keep our end of the bargain, but proceedings in the House of Commons prevented our being here with you.
Joining us today, representing Finance for Good, we have Mr. Lars Boggild, the vice-president for eastern Canada, and Justin Bertagnolli, a partner in that enterprise. Also, we have with us live—I have you listed as video conference, but actually you're here—Sally Guy, the policy and communications coordinator for the Canadian Association of Social Workers. We have by video conference, Mr. James Mulvale, dean and associate professor from the faculty of social work at the University of Manitoba.
Again, welcome to you all.
Each of your organizations has up to 10 minutes of presentation time, and you can split that between witnesses if you wish or use it however you choose. I will give you a warning at about the nine-minute mark to start to wrap up. You will have about a minute left at that time. Then we'll move to our questioning by the members assembled.
Why don't we proceed, starting with Finance for Good. I'm not sure if it's going to be you, Mr. Boggild or Mr. Bertagnolli, but please proceed.