Absolutely. It's a very good question.
In fact, I was recently at the Fred Barrett Arena in the south end of town here, and I met Trevor, who is a resident of Osgoode just south of Parliament Hill. He has five kids, all of them over the age of six, and he'll be getting $720 a year for each and every one of them. He told me his plan was to put that money in registered education savings plans for each one of them. That will take an enormous bite out of the cost of post-secondary education for those five kids who might not otherwise have an opportunity to go and learn.
The point of this story is that every family is different. A one-size-fits-all, government-knows-best program that ignores 90% of kids would not help people like Trevor. For one, government day cares would not serve him because his kids are all too old for day care; whereas the universal child care benefit is universal, so everybody under 18 is eligible, and their parents can invest that money in the ways that will deliver the best result for their kids. We believe in choice. We believe in moms and dads.