Those are two different things. There is the base budget and the amounts that were not spent, but they will be spent.
The program was renewed for five years. In the past, the renewals were two or three years, for example. Some challenges about activity planning were mentioned. But if organizations know that an amount will be allocated over five years, things will be more stable for them. Being able to count on that amount will probably make things much easier for them. Since funding will be more stable, it will be easier to spend the money as planned in the coming years.
I spoke about infrastructure programs. Once completed, it's much simpler. We agree that it's an accumulated amount that will be spent in the end. It will provide a good basis to continue the program. I don't think there will be a trickle down effect. On the contrary, we'll be able to spend what should be spent. Then, we can focus on what is normally the base envelope.