I pay all my respects to the interpreters. I know that sometimes I speak a little bit too fast, or sometimes I hit the wall or the desk and all that stuff.
Mr. Chair, this is what I would propose.
We Are the Standing Committee on Human Resources, Skills and Social Development and the Status of Persons with Disabilities. It's a very hot topic and, above all, a very compelling one that requires serious examination.
We applaud the government for taking the initiative of publishing the ministerial mandate letters. Right off the bat, the committee should hear from the minister responsible for the file under our oversight, in other words, the Honourable MaryAnn Mihychuk, Minister of Employment, Workforce Development and Labour, so that she can make a presentation to the committee and answer questions regarding her mandate and objectives as they directly relate to our committee's work. I would just like to repeat that we believe the government's decision to publicly disclose the ministerial mandate letters was a good idea.
Technically speaking, Mr. Chair, must I propose a motion to that effect? I can, if you'd like.