That is a significant number and certainly doesn't truly fall in line with the statement about getting rid of the program.
I will move on to ask another question, and it's about on-site inspections.
What was made clear to us is that despite concerns around the lack of inspections, an Order Paper question we placed a few months ago revealed that the department had only made eight on-site inspections between 2013 and 2015.
Compliance with the regulatory framework to protect workers from abuse has not been a priority, as we've seen in the previous government, and we'd certainly like to hear what the plan is on your front.
Of course, we're thinking about instances of abuse that have taken place, including that of Mexican worker Ivan Guerrero, who drowned in May of 2014 after having posted a video describing the abuse he was facing in his workplace.
I did hear Mr. Manicom speak of the recent changes and commitments to on-site inspections. Eight seems like a pretty appalling number in a two-year window, so I'm wondering what the plan is, going forward.