I call the meeting to order.
We have a couple of people we're still waiting on, but we're going to move forward.
Unfortunately, we are going to be interrupted with votes this afternoon.
We're going to hear from all the witnesses today, and then we'll get into some questions. Hopefully we'll have a few minutes at the very end to quickly discuss some committee business regarding whether we should be requesting this study to be televised, given its importance, its scope, and how much is involved in it. This is a request that has come to us. We won't make that decision today; we wanted to put that to the committee to discuss.
Welcome to our witnesses, some of whom I've had the pleasure of listening to in the past and some who are new.
First, from the Department of Employment and Social Development, we have Paul Thompson, senior assistant deputy minister, skills and employment branch. From Industry Canada, we have Janet Goulding, director general, temporary foreign worker program, skills and employment branch. Also joining us today from the Department of Citizenship and Immigration are Dave Manicom, associate assistant deputy minister, strategic and program policy, and Robert Judge, director, temporary resident policy and program division, immigration branch, strategic and program policy.
I understand you have worked out who's going to be speaking first. I believe it's Mr. Thompson.
Mr. Thompson, we are going to try to keep it to 10 minutes. Hopefully we will have some time after both presentations for some questions.
Without further ado, we go to you, sir.