Let me echo what Rutha was saying there. We don't have a breakdown with respect to the reasons people are accessing sickness benefits. I can't speak to the situation of their using sickness benefits as a result of a grieving situation that renders them unable to work.
What I can tell you is that we certainly see that people make a progressive return to work in some cases. Changes were made to the Employment Insurance Act earlier this year. These are provisions known as the “working while on claim” provisions. They've been extended to the EI sickness benefit to help claimants who wish to stage their return to work.
Previously, suppose a person who had up to 15 weeks under EI sickness benefits had used 10 weeks of benefits already, so they still had five weeks remaining. Suppose that over that five-week period they worked part time; if they earned $300 a week, we would reduce their EI benefits by $300 a week. In other words, it was dollar for dollar under the old rules. Under the new rules that came in with changes to the EI Act in August of this year, they benefit from these working-while-on-claim provisions, which means that the EI benefit is adjusted by 50 cents on the dollar. If they earned $300 a week, their EI benefit is reduced by only $150 per week. The intent here is to not penalize people if they attempt a progressive return to work. This is something that has been introduced into the program to provide some more flexibility in terms of sickness benefits.