In fact, it is very difficult to get good data, and it is one of our recommendations that there be better and more timely data collection.
The data that's collected right now is pretty high-level data, and it isn't granular enough or localized enough to deal with some of the issues, including the one that Val had mentioned.
One of the things is if we can get better data, that would tell us more, and we believe this program has never been driven by a base that's evidence-informed.
Labour shortages are very difficult to determine. I know a few years back ESDC actually did some work with the Canadian Labour Congress on trying to determine the labour shortage, whether it existed or didn't exist. They are still working on it. The discussion was that it's very difficult to pinpoint.
To tell the truth, if you challenge anyone and say, prove to me there's a labour shortage, or prove to me there are skill shortages, it doesn't matter which side of the fence you're on, they will come up with numbers that really are not terribly good numbers because we haven't done the job yet.